The Heads Knows But the Hearts Knows Better

 The Head Knows but the Heart Know Better

While relying on Gnosis alone can leave you cold and empty, relying on Yadah alone can leave you dazed and confused, but with the warm fuzzies to go along with it. Yadah alone can be more dangerous because you don't realize anything is wrong, you think that the experience is all you need and all there is. While with Gnosis, you are always aware that it is lacking. I saw this in many Charismatic Churches, a mass hysteria of sorts in which whatever someone claimed to see was accepted without question, falling in the floor or jumping up and down made you more spiritual than someone else, the voices and visions you see MUST be from G-d because Satan isn't allowed to deceive believers somehow.

The Yadah, experience, without the Scriptural knowledge/Gnosis to test it, proved to be equally as dangerous as relying on pure facts.

This going in search of experience left me weary of both the cold, empty ice box of Gnosis without Yadah, and dazed and confused by the rollercoaster out of control ride of Yadah without Gnosis.

I eventually found my way into a Messianic Jewish Congregation by way of a friend whose mom was Jewish but lived too far away from a synagogue to drive there so the Messianic Congregation was as close as she could get. She gave me a Kippah and I bought a Star of David with the cross in the middle. So I jumped full into Messianic Judaism because it filled both voids. Through learning some Hebrew, the Jewish context in which the Scripture was written, and the context of Paul's writings, I found a source of true and useful Gnosis. I also found a Yadah knowledge in the prayers spoken in Hebrew, the community feel of the Congregation, keeping Passover together as a community.

For the first time in my life I had a spiritual relationship that I could feel (despite being baptized and having said the sinner's prayer several times as a child).

Unfortunately, I had a relationship with a religion.

I tried to just coast through life on enough Gnosis about the Bible to get by, and just enough Yadah through the Sabbath to get by. I had just enough of G-d through the medium of Messianic Judaism to get by on, so I thought, without having to actually Walk with the Creator instead of just celebrate what He celebrated and study about Him and His life.

When many leave the pagan traditions in Christianity, they jump right into pagan traditions in Judaism and Messianic Judaism, thinking that the Jews kept all of the paganism out (we all need heroes right?). We leave Egypt (Sin and the world) and get into Christianity only to discover that it is bordered by Babylon (has a mix of Christ and Baal). So we leave the standard Christian Church in search of something deeper and more ancient (Gnosis), as well as a relationship with the Creator unhindered by the vestiges of former lovers (X-mas trees, Easter Eggs, etc). Then over time we find that many Messianic Congregations don't keep the Torah, some place the Talmud on an even par with the Torah, some still put up X-mas Trees.

This was my experience. While I was learning more Truth than I ever did around a Church, and I was walking closer than I ever had. I still needed to go deeper than Messianic Judaism, waiting on a Rabbi to tell you what a Scripture means in the same fashion that most Christians wait on a preacher to tell them.

It became evident in time that the only Gnosis that would fulfill is the truth of Yeshua, what He REALLY TAUGHT, how He REALLY LIVED, His REAL MESSAGE. All of the nuances of history, sociology, psychology, etc. just leave you empty. The knowledge (Gnosis) of Yeshua's message is the only knowledge that satisfies.

It also became evident in time that the only Yadah that would fulfill is a genuine experience with Yeshua, who He REALLY IS, How He REALLY FEELS about things, and what REALLY PLEASES Him. Yoga, Meditation, Alcohol, religious fervor, jumping up and down at Christian Concerts, just won't do.

We must have both the Facts about Yeshua and the Experience with Yeshua, not one or the other.

So I leave you with these admonitions from Scripture.

"Knowledge puffs up but Love Builds Up"

Paul speaking of his great Gnosis apart from Yeshua "I Count it all as Dung"

"Test the Spirits" (with the Scripture/Gnosis).

"My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge, Because you have rejected my Laws I will reject you as a my Priests"

"Aware from me your workers of Lawlessness, for I NEVER KNEW YOU."

"My Sheep will HEAR My Voice."

"The Father desires those who worship in SPIRIT (Yadah Knowledge) and TRUTH (Gnosis Knowledge)" TOGETHER


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