Have We Gotten Lost Along THE WAY?

Have We Gotten Lost Along The Way?

What if Modern Judaism, Catholicism, Islam, and Protestantism were all equally far from the Faith of Abraham (The Way), whom all 4 Faiths claim as a Spiritual Ancestor( (the People of the Book) ?????
What if we ALL got "Lost along The Way"???? 

What if all 4 Faiths (People of the Book) got part of Abraham's Faith right, and part of it wrong?

What you know as Modern Judaism was founded by the Pharisees and the Babylonian Priesthood and Gnostic Philosophers who turned their Philosophies and Traditions into a replacement for Scripture, Judaism as you know it was Not Founded by The Father. Judaism has the central tenant of instructions given in Secret to Moses which he did not write down, Secret Knowledge (Gnosis) that was supposedly given to the Pharisees, The problem is though that Moses said he wrote EVERYTHING down. Same story told by the Gnostics about their "Secret" Gnostic Gospels Centuries later.

Judaism (the descendents of Jacob's son Judah, and part of the Levi and Benjamin) did all of the religions however, stay the closest to the Scriptures (Ketubah-Marriage Contract) given on Sinai, even though Judaism rejects the Messiah They spoke of, and the rest of the Scriptures. (like reading a Book only until the main character appears then closing the Book and wondering why it left you empty). Making Judah a widow who like Naomi kept her land but has no Husband/Redeemer.

What you know as Modern Islam was founded by Muhammed and his Catholic Wife Khadijah and some Jesuit Priests who had to convince Muhammed that he was visited by an angel and not a demon, and then went on a raping and killing spree that still hasn't ended after 1,400 years. Muhammed's family were priests at pagan altar called the Kaabal with 360 " gods" or elohim, one for each day of the lunar year, the highest (their version of Bel Zeus or Jupiter Belus or Nimrod Bel, was called Allah). Arab moon worship, combined we it a revised Torah that never mentions Passover, and a Gnostic Gospels version of the Crucifixion (in which Yeshua was never crucified) produced Islam. Islam also, was Not founded by The Father.

Islam (made up mostly of the descendents of Ishmael, Isaac and Lot) lost its way in many regards, such as being the least Loving and farthest from Scripture, and without the Messiah (Spirit and Truth), but it did retain the key concept that the Creator is the true head of any Government and the Scriptures should be the basis of that Government and should be the Law of the Land. Islam also recognizes Christians and Jews as being Kinsmen (People of the Book). Given that it has rejected the Groom/Redeemer, and the Ketubah (Marriage contract) and the Spirit, it is much like its mother Hagar, only having the land allotted to its ancestors (which did not include Jerusalem).

And Yes, what you know as Modern Catholicism was begun by a Man named Simon, Simon the Magus from Acts 8 (who also went by his Greek Title of Simon the Pater/Holy Father, his rank in the Temple of Mithra/Baal). This Simon was buried at Vaticus Hill which held a Temple of Mithra and served as a Cemetary for only the highest ranking Pagan Priests in.the Romn Empire. After his failed attempt at Simony ( buying an Apostleship) he went to Rome And gained favor with Claudius. His mixed religion of Mithra (sun-worship) with Judaism, and The Way, later became known as Catholicism (the Universal Church/One World Religion) under another Magus named Constantine whose mother was a Druid Priestess. Simon the Peter (the Rock) never visited Rome and in fact, went East to where the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel were located. Catholicism was Not Founded by the Father.

Catholicism is the Samaritan Religion (post-Messiah). Like the Samaritans, and its Samaritan Founder Simon the "great power', Jerusalem was replaced by another City (Samaria then Rome), the Samaritans claimed to be Jews (YHVH"s Chosen People) just as Catholicism and much of Protestantism claims to Replace Israel (instead of being Grafted into Israel) in Replacement Theology. The Samaritans rewrote their own Torah and Catholicism replaced the Torah with the Catechism. The Samaritans appointed Priests as they chose, just as Catholicism does. The Samaritans Religion was a mix of Judaism and the religions of the 5 Pagan Nations that were moved to former Northern Israel/Samaria, just as Catholicism is a Blend of Judaism and every Pagan Religion it comes it contact with (High Places become the sites of Cathedrals, Idols become statues of Saints-with the "mother goddess/earth goddess" always renamed as Mary, and the holly-days/holidays of the pagan "deities" are renamed as Feast Days. Like St, Nikolaus), even the Holy Languages was replaced, as Samaritans don't speak Hebrew and all sacred texts in Catholicism are in Latin. Its all a Counterfeit. From the Counterfeit Sabbath, to the Counterfeit Feasts, to the Counterfeits Priests with Scarlet and Purple Counterfeit Tallits and Kippahs, and Counterfeit Holy Language, Counterfeit Holy City, and Counterfeit Temple.

Catholicism (made of a mixed multitude joined with Israelites just like the crowd that left Egypt, and the Samaritans) has thoroughly mixed and counterfeited everything in the Scriptures, but their model of Church Governance is much closer than the models in Judaism, Islam, or Protestantism and their unity has allowed them to become the world's largest Single Charity Organization and found the first Hospitals and Orphanages. The worship (spiritual adultery) of/with so many other Lovers makes her an Adulterous or Harlot Bride like Jezebaal or Gomer.

From out of the Counterfeit Order, came the next Religion which was absolute Chaos, with over 50,000 denominations making an Acts 15 Council or standards for conduct and belief completely impossible, also making room for any idea that passes through anyone's head to be called a Church and represent The Way. Along with making removal from the body impossible, unless someone is removed over 50,000 times. From Legalism; Salvation by Work of Torah or Torah interpretation in Judaism, to a Salvation by Works of Tradition in Catholicism, to Salvation only guaranteed by bloodshed in Islam. The Pendulum then swung the Opposite Direction to Lawlessness; Salvation removing the need for any works or even any standards.

This is called Protestantism. Protestantism begin with Catholicism by Protesting the Pope/Pater/Magus/Holy Father. However the birthdays of every Sun" god" in the pagan world, and his wife the moon" goddess" being the two highest days on the Calendar, and doing away with the Creator's Law by replacing it with Church Tradition (like Sunday being the Sabbath) was never protested. While Protestantism rejected the Pope and the Statues and false yet unified Priesthood of Catholicism, it also rejected nearly all Church Govt. all together, as anyone who gets upset or has something they don't want to give up can legitimize it by making a new denomination. Unlike Islam, Protestantism also rejects Scriptures as the Rule of Government, but instead replaces the Scriptures with a man made Constitution and Declaration of Independence, and sets up "Founding Fathers" like the Catholic Church does "Church Fathers", instead of letting the writings of Fathers of the Faith be the writings upon which Government is based.

What makes Protestantism unique from the other 3 faiths (if you count Catholicism as a separate religion) is that unlike Judaism, Catholicism, and Islam, whose founders and main influences (key individuals) are long dead and buried, Protestantism is constantly changing with each new celebrity or political movement or television show. It is dictated by the Culture, and each cultural shift results in more denominations, some preferring the culture of the 1950's, some preferring the culture of the 1990s, but each based on Culture, Pop-Psychology, Political Parties, Celebrity Pastors, and famous Authors, along with numerous movements that could only be described as personality Cults.

In this way. Since Protestantism didn't return to t h e Scriptures, but instead just swapped out who could override the Scriptures, it never fully left Catholicism, which was not founded by The Father And is still a ,"Daughter" of the" Mother" Church. This is" justified" by twisting the difficult Words of Paul, which Peter prophesied would happen with Paul's Epistles in 2 Peter chapter 3.

Protestantism's problems can be traced to its Ancestors (the Ten Northern Tribes/Lost Sheep of Israel, led by wealthy Joseph who married an Egyptian sun-worshipper, and followed YHVH while living like an Egyptian and looking like one too). Unlike the Southern Kingdom, which was essentially just Judah, the Northern Kingdom had Ten Tribes/Nations, each with different cultures and tribal heads, which could easily lead to the Anarchy and Chaos of Democracy).

Protestantism does however hold to the Messiah, even while rejecting the Marriage Covenant, and only following half the Bible (which is like beginning a Book only at the page where the main character arrives, and wondering why it doesn't make any sense to you). Protestantism also has the Love of Messiah, )(being the most generous of all religions, though the disorganization really limits the impact ) and the Spiritual-Wedding Gifts given on the Temple Mt.. Protestantism is much like Ruth after the threshing floor but before the Wedding to Boaz, she has been redeemed and is provided for, but is not living by the Marriage Covenant, and she has no land of her own until the Wedding. Just as Judah was widowed at the Cross, but kept her land but Israel was divorced for Adultery and lost hers. Though her Husbands' Death and Resurrection will allow Him to marry her again and give her an Inheritance..

The Faith of Abraham (The Way, The Truth, The Life), often just called" The Way" was symbolized by the 3 entrances to the Tabernacle, which represented the coming Messiah (Yeshua) was never Judaism, or Catholicism (the religion of the Samaritans) which brought about Islam and Protestantism.

Abraham, the Father of the (true) Faith was Obedient to The Father (in Spirit and Truth, written and inspired Word) And had Faith in the coming Messiah (who visited him in a human body alongside two Angels) whom all of those blood coverings Sacrifices He made pointed to. Abraham also recognized Yeshua as a King who will rule an Earthly Kingdom as he tithed to Him, and Abraham governed by His Instructions. Abraham also promised his descendents (People of the Book) as a Bride in Marriage Covenant to this coming Groom (including keeping the Ketubah-Commandments and the Spiritual-Wedding Gifts)

While one of the above mentioned Religions may have been your stepping stone back towards home, a stepping stone that you sit on instead of stepping on can become a roadblock for yourself and every one following your footsteps.

It is Time to Return to" The Way" and become Children of Abraham fully, not his Step-Children in the Faith..

Shalom to all of you, no matter where you are on your Journey.


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