Her Name was Sacred, Did You Know Her?
Her Name Was “Sacred” Did You Know Her? Have you ever had the unshakeable feeling when you look around you that this Country has lost something special but you couldn’t quite put your finger on what it was? I have been struggling with that feeling of loss for many years now, every time I leave my front door it haunts me, every time I turn the dial of my radio or my television, every time I log on to Facebook I notice it’s glaring absence but the world goes by as if nothing had occurred that was noteworthy. What we have lost was once so familiar, such a comfort, such a daily reassurance that no matter what happens we would all be okay, that we took it for granted and we lost it like losing a loving grandmother. But some of us, some of us that knew it intimately, didn’t lose her like the grandchild who had only a fading memory. We lost her like the grandfather whose hand she had held her hand through good times and bad times, through poverty an...